Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Almost finished

And so I'm almost finished with my animation. I finished the 3rd verse the week before last and tonight just worked on the chorus. It went pretty quick because I experimented with painting/drawing with liquid coffee on cling wrap on the wooden board. I still wanted to keep the wooden board look and not go to paper but putting liquid coffee on the wooden board makes it soak in! I didn't pull the cling wrap tight so it has a cool ripple texture and with the coffee running over it it makes interesting shapes and movements.

I'm not sure if I like what I did tonight at all. It is supposed to be random and doesn't need to make sense like the verses. The lyrics of the chorus is "tell me, tell me, what do you see" so the idea is that random shapes and directions are being drawn and people can make up their own minds about what they see, and this reflects the fact that everyone has different views and opinions on one sees the same thing.

I'm not sure if this part is too random and abstract and maybe too fast? I might ask for some opinions. It does make a good contrast to the verses though, and probably lets the audience trance a bit looking at the random movements and then switching to something that makes more sense.

Almost finished. The end is in sight. =)

Peace out

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